Sunday, March 4, 2012

Where Have I Been?

This is the third year that a pair of bald eagles have built a nest on an island at Twin Lakes.

I have no idea how I managed to not know about them until now.

We took the boys to see them yesterday, after my dad told me about them.

We didn't get to see the eagles but we could see their giant nest!  

I don't hardly ever drive through the Twin Lakes parking lot anymore, but when I do it takes me back to when I was little. 

Up until I turned 5, we lived across the street from the old Sears.  I have fond memories from living in that little brick house! 

One time we were riding our bikes--well probably trikes--around that mall and we got an up close look at a nest with eggs in it.  It was exciting!

Another completely random memory is gazing through the trees at the Taco Tico sign.  We thought it was so neat!  My mom says we used to walk there all the time, but I don't remember that at all.  We must have eaten a lot of taco burgers, though, because those delicious things go right along with that house in my head!

We are going to take the boys back another day to see if we can spot the eagles.  It's kind of fun hanging out around there--reminiscing!