Friday, March 2, 2012

Randoms from Ollie

Josh Oliver has been wearing these pjs pretty much every other day, and they always seem to look like this.

Buttoned all crazy, a t-shirt underneath (although that may actually help him out), and generally the collar is tucked inside the shirt.

I use to help him fix it, but I've given up on him.

I'm pretty sure it's exactly the look he's going for anyway!

Also, he intended to have that dorky face in the picture, even though I tried to convince him to look normal.

We'll just call him Little Johnny from now on!

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Josh Oliver found a tub that I had written his name on a long time ago......

J--"Hey did you know that thing has my name on it?!"

M--"It does?!"

J--"Yeah!  He, or she, who ever wrote my name on it, sure must have been a big fan of mine!"

I'm not sure where "big fan of mine" came from but he uses it a lot these days.  Every time he says it he points both of his thumbs back at himself.

He's on his way to being one cool kid!

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A few weeks ago, Josh Oliver was chatting away while I was doing something else.

I was only half listening.

Suddenly I heard him say...

J--"I don't like it when I have dreams about God.  They scare me."


J--"I don't like it when I have dreams about God.  You know the ones where I'm Jesus.  They scare me."

I have no idea what that was about.  He moved on to something else before I could ask him.

It's possible that it's his way of telling me that I make him go to church too often!

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He is a crazy kid!