Thursday, March 1, 2012


Henry's hamster, Bubblegum, died Tuesday.

He's heartbroken.

We don't really know what happened to her.  Gillian just found her curled up in her bed.

 *     *     *     *     *

Last March, Linda told Henry that if he had 5 school days in a row with no issues, she would buy him a hamster to keep at her house.

That boy tried and tried.  He came close a couple of times, but his silliness and chattiness always got the better of him.

By November, he started getting really down on himself because he just couldn't do it, no matter how hard he tried.  The well intentioned bribe started back firing on his self esteem. 

We decided we had to do away with the bribe. 

Linda took it off the table and then surprised him with one for Christmas. 

It was a good compromise.

Oddly enough, when he started school back up after Winter Break, he had 5 green days in a row right off.  It seems to have been a one time deal, but I'm glad he knows he can do it.

*     *     *     *     *

When Henry came into my room Wednesday morning, he was teary-eyed.

He told me that there is a good and bad thing about Bubblegum dying.
"The bad thing is, is that she died.  The good thing is that when I die I will get to see her again."
 He makes me so proud.......and so sad.