Thursday, March 1, 2012

When Am I Considered A Regular?

Josh and I spent yesterday afternoon at our friendly laundromat.

It's the 2nd time in the last month, and probably the 4th time in the last year.

I refuse to buy a new washer and dryer. 

I am my parents' girl, after all.

Unfortunately, our dryer went out after almost a week of me doing the absolute minimum around the house because my leg was so swollen, infected, and painful.  (Don't feel too bad for me--I brought it on myself.) 

We had so much laundry piled up.  

Ben was out of undershirts.  Henry was out of uniforms.  Clean, matching socks were hard to come by.  I had no choice but to spend some quality time at the laundromat.

I will say that it is an absolute pain hauling everything there and back, but getting such a massive amount of  laundry completely done in just a couple of hours makes it totally worth it!

Plus, I've had to do it enough times that I'm pretty efficient at the whole process.

While we there I saw a girl who clearly was there for the first time.  I watched her for awhile just for kicks.  I also got a little annoyed when I saw someone using one of the dryers that I like to use. 

I then suddenly realized that me--a girl who has always had her own washer and dryer--shouldn't be in a laundromat enough to have machine prefrences and pick out newbies as soon as they walk in. 

It's pathetic, really.

Our dryer is once again back to working.

It turns out it broke this time because I tried to shove it too close to the wall, which then had a domino effect. 

I have no one to blame but myself. 

It's been a theme for me lately.