Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A New School Year = SCHEDULES!!!

The boys started school this week. 

I'm sad for summer to end, but I'm really excited about getting back to a schedule!

I've got high hopes of a super clean house all the time and  a rapidly dwindling to-do list!

I just hope my motivation lasts!  

Luke started 3rd grade this year--that sounds like a really old grade to me.

He's not terribly excited about going back to school.

I always loved starting a new year, so I totally don't understand where he's coming from.

He does, however, love recess! 

He's also thrilled that he dosen't have to wear a uniform like Henry does!  (His time is coming, though!)

I know nothing about what he's done at school the last two days.  He's the master at giving one word answers to open-ended questions!

Henry started 1st grade today.

He's pretty excited!

This year he's going to Catholic School--he doesn't mind the uniform! 

It's also his first year of all-day school.

I think the most depressing school purchase I ever have to make is a school lunch box--well the first one anyway.  It's just such a defining item.   

I hate losing my boys to school.

He's going to really love it, though.

I'm just hoping he's not the first in line for the spanking machine that his Great Grandpa keeps warning him about!

My Ollie boy doesn't start Pre-K until the middle of September.

He's super sad about that. 

I'm sad that I'm going to have to spend the next month counting down the days for him.  (He's so whiney about it!)

I took him to the park to celebrate our first day alone together!

It's going to be a great school year for all of us!