Thursday, August 11, 2011

Eight is Great

On Friday, Luke turned the ripe old age of 8!

It's a big birthday for him because he is now too old to be put in the Kid Zone. He has the privilege to roam the Y alone as I workout.

 I had to burst his bubble when I told him that turning 8 also means that he no longer gets to go to the Y with me!

 We celebrated his birthday with an outdoor party, (What else can you do when it's so ridiculously hot?)

 I turned the kids loose outside with a pool of bubbles, a pool of water and then later I put out ton of water guns and water balloons. Once the water war toys were brought out, everything turned to mayhem! I realized quickly that:
  1. There was no saving the grass from turning into a muddy, swampy mes
  2. I should have put the lid on the bubble pool, 
  3. I was not going to escape the backyard even remotely dry, and 
  4. Two hours of filling water balloons is equivalent to about 3 minutes of launching them!
It was a great birthday, despite the fact that he didn't get the cinnamon rolls from Cici's that he desperately wanted!

 The down side of it, though, is that I now have to say I have an 8 year old. His birthdays seem to age me more than my own birthdays do!