Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Here Comes the Tooth Fairy!

Lucas has his first loose tooth!

He has been waiting a very long time for it.

Back in February, his class had a dental themed week. At one point everyone who had lost a tooth had to raise their hand. Everyone but Luke had their hand up.

He felt horrible about it.

I tried to explain to him that he is one of the very youngest kids in his class, so he’s going to hit those kind of milestones later than a lot of the other kids. It didn’t seem to help any. He still felt babyish.

Anyway, just before bed on Thursday he came rushing into my room and told me that he had a loose tooth. One of the bottom ones was definitely loose, and the one beside it felt like it may be a little loose, too.

He was beyond ecstatic! He couldn’t stop smiling!

Henry, on the other hand, was sad. He just kept pouting because, “It’s just going to be so long before I lose a tooth.”

Despite Henry, it was all very exciting.

Now we just have to wait for it to come out!

--He lost it a week later. It was ridiculously loose which was giving me the willies when he played with it! He finally said, "Can't you just pull it or something?" I could not! Then all of sudden it was out and he said, "Oh, it just fell out." like it was nothing. He did so good!