Luke and Henry both had their last day of school a week from last Friday, which means that we have already enjoyed over a week of summer vacation!
I always get really excited for summer--especially this year!
There is just so much fun possibilities when all the boys are home all day.
I'm trying not to have too high of expectations, because really one of the best things about summer is the lazy days of just hanging out at the pool, but I also don't want to waste it!
The boys and I, mostly Luke, made a list of all the fun things that we want to do this summer. We wrote them on strips, threw them in a bowl, and we are going to draw out an activity when we need something to do.
We are the most excited about fishing, touring the candy shop, going on a picnic, and having a pillow fight! Really, though, they are all going to be fun!
It's going to be a great summer!