Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Field Day--1st grade edition

Unlike Kindergarten Field Day, 1st grade Field Day doesn't require parent participation. Parents are, however, welcome to come watch.

I figured we would just tag along behind Luke and his partner, and maybe Henry and Josh could sneak a turn at a relay or two.

Unfortunately, once the whistle was blown for Field Day to begin, we lost Lucas. He was just far too quick!

Instead we just roamed around and waited for some stations to open up. If there wasn't a line, I let the other two boys go ask if they could have a turn.

Josh Oliver really only wanted to dig in the sand and Henry did a couple of relays and played on the playground equipment some, but ended up helping out at one particular obstacle course (the one above).

He would set everything back up once kids ran through it, and he practiced his hurdle jumping. He really liked the 5th grade girl that was running it. He went and got her some water because "she looked like she might need a drink", and told her bye and thanks for letting him help at least 3 times when it was over. It was sweet!

Us standing in one spot actually worked out pretty well. I got to see most of the kids in his class at one point or another, and Lucas even managed to make an appearance a time or two.

I'm not sure how he did at all the other stations, but he did not excel at the one Henry was working! (Luke's the one in the gray jacket!) He did have a lot of fun, though!

Lucky for Ben, Henry will be in Kindergarten next year, so doesn't have to wait too long before he gets to really join in the fun again! I know he really wanted to try the potato sack race!