Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Personality for Sale

Last week my Aunt Michele had a garage/estate sale.

Her front yard was jam packed with things. Seriously, I don't know how she managed to cram so many "treasures" onto her front yard.

Henry and Olivia, who were helping out with the sale, decided that they wanted to have a sale of their own. They each walked around the garage sale and gathered up items to sale.

Olivia was pretty choosy about what she put in her sale. She had everything lined up nicely along the driveway and even managed to find herself a little bench to sit on.

Henry, on the other hand, seemed to just grab anything and everything that he could get his hands on. His garage sale was basically just a pile of random things thrown on the sidewalk--similar to what the real garage sale looked like Thursday morning!

Unfortunately neither one of them had much luck selling any of their items. They did give it a lot of effort though. They hollered out advertisements for their sale and as soon as someone would walk up they would take turns asking, "So, do you have any kids?" It was their slick way of trying to sale some of the many toys that they each had. Sadly, most of the people they asked were grandmas, so no luck there.

Finally I saw Henry with some money in his hand. I asked him excitedly if he finally sold something. The guy who was standing by him said "He sold me some personality!" Olivia also got paid for her cuteness!

They were both super excited, and really, for the two of them, that is a very fitting thing to make a profit on!