Monday, August 17, 2009

First Grade

Lucas started First Grade today.

It was a sad day for me--and also very stormy which is very unusual.

I asked him if he wanted me to meet him up at his school so I could see him get off of his bus and go into his classroom with him. He told me no. In fact, the last few days he has been saying that since he is six now, he could just get his own cereal and go out to the bus on his own if I just wanted to stay in bed. It's a nice offer, but there is no way I'm letting him out the door like that! Oh the independence of being six!

Actually putting him on the bus this year wasn't as hard as it was last year, but the overall transition to First Grade is a lot rougher on me than Kindergarten was. At least when he was in Kindergarten he was still home in the mornings. (I can't even say how hard it was for me to buy him a lunch box.)

With him being gone all day, things are going to seem so different. Most mornings we would all hang out, or Ben and I would each take a boy or two and get our errands ran and then meet back home for lunch. I loved that. We won't have that now--at least not with all three boys. I'm super sad about it.

When Luke finally got home from school he wouldn't really tell us what they did. It wasn't like he was annoyed with all of the questions, it was just all old news to him. He did tell us that he got to go to the School Nurse today because he had a bloody nose. That is unfortunate, but he wasn't really bothered by it.

He's pretty excited about First Grade. I'm excited for him, but I'm still pretty sad for myself. I'll be alright, though!