Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Day Henry Discovered Cheerleaders

Last Thursday Ben, Gran, and I took the kids to Cici's for lunch.

While we were there a big group of cheerleaders came in. As soon as Henry saw them he could not take his eyes off of them!

Henry is normally the kind of kid who has no quiet voice. He always talks like you are on the other side of the room when really you are just across the table. With the cheerleaders so close, though, he kept walking over to me and whispering things ever so quietly into my ear. He'd ask one question, I would answer, he'd sit back down and watch them, and then a minute or two later he would get up and ask another. This is how the conversation went:

H--"Momma, those girls are really cute."
M--"They are."

H--"Are those the girls that do the flips?"
M--"Yeah, they're called cheerleaders."

H--"I really, really like cheerleaders."
M--"Do you?"

H--"Can Olivia and I go talk to them when they are done eating?"

He wouldn't take his eyes off of those girls and he was talking so differently then he normally does. He didn't have all the loudness and excitement that he usually does. Plus, normally he would just try to chat with them whether they were eating or not. I kind of think he was nervous--and in love!

Henry is kind of girl crazy already, but I sort of thought that he'd wait awhile before he discovered the greatness of cheerleaders!