When I got a new camera for Christmas I gave Lucas my old one.
He takes pictures of lots of random objects around the house. Or if anything "exciting" happens he immediately grabs his camera. It's kind of fun to see his point of view of things--plus sometimes I find little gems that I otherwise would have missed out on.
He's favorite thing to take pictures of, though, is himself. I can't even say how many pictures of his face--only his face--that he has taken with the camera at arms length. I think he likes to use himself as the subject when he's trying to figure out "different techniques" with his camera!
This past week he learned how to use the self timer. It has opened up a whole new world for him!
He hasn't quite mastered the concept of propping the camera on things, so most of them are of him laying on the floor.
I'm just glad that he is including more than just his face from his forehead to his chin!