Saturday, June 13, 2009

Our Pink Cabana

I've been telling the boys all week that if they were really good we could camp out on Saturday night.

When I say "camp out" I mean set up a tent in the basement and watch cartoons all night long. I leave the "fun" outdoor camping for Ben!

A few months ago, Gigi came across our old Cabana tent. I snatched that thing right up. It's perfect for indoor camping!

When Amy and I were little--late grade school and probably early middle school--we use to camp out in our backyard in that tent. We'd hang a sheet on the open side to keep the bugs out. It was just wide enough for us to sleep side-by-side. We'd haul our little T.V. from our bedroom out there and run an extension cord from the house--we really liked to rough it!

We "camped" quite a bit, but it seems like Labor Day was always our big weekend. Every time I see the Labor Day tele-a-thon it reminds me of the times in our tent.

I must say the tent is not quite the same when it's set up in a basement. Although, they may not have the draped sheet, bugs, or sticky air, they do have a T.V. so it's kind of the same!