Thursday, June 25, 2009


Josh Oliver and I held a concert tonight. At times we were accompanied by Michael Jackson. (It was not by any means a good concert!)

Josh and I watched one of the many shows about Michael Jackson's life. The older boys started arguing in the shower so they missed out.

I can't listen Michael without breaking into song and dance. I especially love "Billie Jean" which I always feel like I have to sing super high. Josh wasn't offended by my horrid voice, in fact, started singing and dancing right along with me!

I must say he's a fabulous mimic! He did all the moves I would do and, if you didn't actually listen to the nonsense he was saying, he was singing the songs just like I was, too!

If only I knew how to actually dance or sing, Joshers would have been AWESOME! For his own sake, though, he should probably find someone else to copy!