Thursday, May 14, 2009

No Dog Treats Today

Today Uncle Dave came to town to drop Bailey off at Grandpa J's and Gigi's. They are dog sitting while Amy and Dave go out of town.

Dave came over to see the boys for a bit, Lucas unfortunately was at school. We decided to walk to Braum's for some ice cream. As we were about to leave, Maggie and Cooper escaped out the garage door.

Our dogs are pretty good dogs, but they do not like to come back when they've gotten a taste of freedom. I ran in and got a leash--that's right one leash for my two dogs.

Maggie made it around the side of the yard and into the yard behind us before our neighbor lured her into being leash. I really figured Cooper would hang around once Maggie was caught, but he just kept trotting away.

Henry stayed back with the neighbor, so I took off in my flip flops with Maggie's leash in one hand and Josh on my hip. I'm sure we were quite a sight but I was at least dressed cute!

Copper wasn't really running from me, just going fast enough for me to not be able to catch him. He did keep looking back to make sure I was still there, which I appreciated! He made it quite a ways before he got trapped by a fence and I caught him.

We were about a block away from home on the street behind ours and I had no idea how I was going to get Cooper (with no leash), Maggie, and Josh back home without losing one of them. Then out of nowhere Dave appeared with Henry in his truck! I was so grateful!

After we got the dogs safely in the house we took off on our walk to Braum's. We all definitely earned our sweet treat--especially me! The dogs, on the other hand, got no treats today!