Friday, May 29, 2009


Joshers has not been sleeping very well lately.

He does best when he gets a good 10 or 11 hour nights sleep, plus another 2 hour nap in the afternoon. The past week or so we are lucky if he gets 8 hours from the time he officially goes to bed until he officially gets up--he has been getting up in the middle of the night to "hang out" with us in our bed, and he generally doesn't go right back to sleep. He also does everything he can to not take a nap. He usually wins.

He may think that he's old enough to not need a nap, but he definitely can't handle so little sleep at night AND no nap.

Ben and I have resigned to the fact that our afternoon naps are long gone. Henry has officially given them up and it seems that now Josh has too. It was a sad realization for us!

Today the boys and I went swimming. We were only there for an hour--not really long enough to wear them out--plus they got a sugar filled sno-cone as we were leaving. By the time we got home, though, Josh was crashed, as in "drooling, let me change his diaper and put him to bed without waking up" type of crashed! He never sleeps that hard in the car!

The boys and I may be spending even more time at the pool then I originally thought if I have the possibility of getting a good nap out of Josh Oliver!

I need back my non-cranky boy.