Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Good, the Bad, and the Naughty

Yesterday we had a good day, but it was filled with a lot of naughtiness.

Josh Oliver flooded the bathroom downstairs while I was upstairs drying my hair. Lucas came running upstairs to tell me that there was water all over the basement, but he didn't turn off the faucet because his feet would get wet. He was wearing sandals! When I got there it was already flooding out onto the carpet. It turned out okay though. It was in the basement so it was an easy clean up and the toilet paper wasn't put on the holder so it was saved!

Gigi and I took the boys to the movies to see Up. It was really cute. We thought we were going to the 3D one, but actually it was only 2D. Henry still thought the movie was jumping out at him!

After we got home it was super hot outside so I decided to let the boys fill up their plastic pool and play in the water. I laid in the hammock and tried to dodge the random balls they were throwing in the air. I did get a cold water massage from Henry, so that was nice.

Later after we went inside Henry got sent to his room. When I went in to tell him he could come out and put sheets on his bed I found toothpaste smeared everywhere--his bed, clothes, the wall, his dresser, his hair. I just don't know what he thinks when he does that stuff. It makes me crazy. Needless to say he was done for the night.

After the other two boys were in bed, Lucas and I watched a movie. He learned how to snap his fingers--he's really proud--and we practiced our hand slap games--he's getting really good!

There was a lot of naughtiness today, but really it was still a good day. I do have to figure out how to keep Henry from sneaking contraband into his room, though. (That morning he had also snuck an ice cream bar in there and gum.) It's just ridiculous.

Friday, May 29, 2009


Joshers has not been sleeping very well lately.

He does best when he gets a good 10 or 11 hour nights sleep, plus another 2 hour nap in the afternoon. The past week or so we are lucky if he gets 8 hours from the time he officially goes to bed until he officially gets up--he has been getting up in the middle of the night to "hang out" with us in our bed, and he generally doesn't go right back to sleep. He also does everything he can to not take a nap. He usually wins.

He may think that he's old enough to not need a nap, but he definitely can't handle so little sleep at night AND no nap.

Ben and I have resigned to the fact that our afternoon naps are long gone. Henry has officially given them up and it seems that now Josh has too. It was a sad realization for us!

Today the boys and I went swimming. We were only there for an hour--not really long enough to wear them out--plus they got a sugar filled sno-cone as we were leaving. By the time we got home, though, Josh was crashed, as in "drooling, let me change his diaper and put him to bed without waking up" type of crashed! He never sleeps that hard in the car!

The boys and I may be spending even more time at the pool then I originally thought if I have the possibility of getting a good nap out of Josh Oliver!

I need back my non-cranky boy.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Summer is Here!

Today was our first official day of summer!

It's the first day where we didn't have to be rushing around getting Henry to preschool and making sure everyone was fed in time for Lucas to get on the bus. Instead the boys got to run errands with Ben--to the dump which is a very fun outing--and we planned on getting snow cones before lunch--it wasn't open, but it was nice that we could go!

I am really excited about this summer. It's the first time there has really been a distinction between summer and the school year for us. I love having all of the boys at home. It will be nice to do things without having to watch the clock so we will be home when the bus comes. No one will feel sad because they missed out on something fun while they were at school. We can go to Kansas City in the middle of the week if we want to. And, best of all we get to spend our afternoons at the pool and hanging out in the driveway!

I'm sure there will be days when I wish I was down to 2 kids for a couple of hours each day, but this summer is going to be great!

Monday, May 25, 2009


The boys got to have a photo-shoot with Jennifer this weekend. She always does so awesome!

None of my boys wanted to cooperate. Henry wouldn't sit still. Josh wouldn't keep toys away from his face, and Lucas was super stiff when he was in front of the camera. Even with all of that she got some pretty amazing pictures

We sure love that Jennifer!

Flowers and Graves

My very favorite thing about Memorial Weekend is visiting the cemeteries with my Grandma Judy. I love cemeteries in general, but I really love going with her!

She tells me stories about everyone that we visit--I never seem to fully remember stuff from year to year--and I learn little tidbits about her life that I never knew. It's the absolute best.

I like taking the boys with me because I think it's important for them to learn about the ones who came before them, plus I want to make sure they always put flowers on mine and Ben's graves down the road! It's sad to see headstones with no flowers.

The older boys did pretty good this year of staying close and helping put the flowers where they needed to go, but that Josh was a stinker! Half of the time he didn't want to get out of the car--I let him stay one time and that was a big mistake--and when he did get out of the car he wouldn't stay by us or even walk to the car when we were ready to leave. He would just stand there in one of his statuesque fits. He was stressful. I may ditch him next year.

I really love making the rounds with my Grandma. One year she went without me, and I can't even begin to say how disappointed I was. After that I think she realized that I don't offer to go just to be nice--I really do love it.

I love the cemeteries. I love the stories. I love watching my boys walk along the headstones. Mostly, though, I love the time with my Grandma and the things I learn about her along the way!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Oh How I Worry!

Lucas took this picture of Henry Monday morning. He's sitting on a shelf in his closet that is up to my shoulders.

I have no idea why he was up there, but he is absolutely not suppose to be.

When I asked him about it, with the camera in my hand, he just tilted his head, rolled his eyes and gave me his cutest smirk. He knew he was caught, yet he was still sort of proud.

It was all very "Classic Henry".

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Field Day

Last Wednesday Lucas had Field Day at his school.

His school lets the kids invite a parent to participate with them. Ben was chosen. (He should have chosen me because I would have done awesome!) I still tagged along!

There was a ton of different activities to do--lots of races and obstacle courses. Lucas did great at most of them. Ben was a little more hesitant about doing them. He was especially not excited about the jump rope and hula hoop type of events, but he did try them--he made an excellent "star" out of hula hoops!
It was pretty hot out and we couldn't really hear when they were giving us instructions, but it was a lot of fun.

At the end everyone got a popsicle. They both definitely earned it!


Yesterday the boys and I, along with lots of aunts and uncles, made our way to Oklahoma for my cousin Waylon's graduation. We were also celebrating Heather's graduation from the week before.

They had been anxiously waiting all week for our trip. Other than Heather, one of their favorite girls, we don't get to see our Oklahoma cousins very much!

On our way there, Josh Oliver threw up. He wasn't sick, he just had too much food and juice too quickly. Gigi and Aunt Michele were quick to throw a towel on him, but he was still stinky and gross. Luckily I brought him an extra change of clothes.

We also stopped at McDonald's to stretch our legs for a bit. Henry couldn't get down from the Play-yard fast enough and peed in his pants. He left quite a trail of urine footsteps as we rushed outside to clean him up--I felt bad for everyone who had to avoid the puddles. I unfortunately left my purse inside (I was not going to take him back in) so we had to just hang out with Henry in his wet clothes until someone came out to check on us. Luckily Aunt Michele happened to have some clothes that he could wear.

At the graduation, Josh waved to anyone in the arena that would look at him. Lucas temporarily forgot that he's a hard core KU fan and did the OU chant, and Henry discovered that if he pinched his nose, his sticky boogers would keep his nostrils together. That kept him entertained for quite awhile! (It was nice despite all of our depressive looks!)

After the graduation we went back to Crystal's for some delicious food. We played a competitive game of croquet. I love that game! Josh did pretty good at hitting. Lucas, also, did excellent and even won the game! Henry didn't play because he was busy socializing--of course!

The rest of the time the boys roamed around and played. Towards the end Henry face planted in the dirt. I thought he had really scraped up his face, but really it was just a bunch of red dirt. Oklahoma!

It was a super fun day, and the boys did excellent for having to be in the car for so long.

When we got back Henry told two or three different people that "we just got back from Ok'ahoma because we went to see Waylon graduate!" I asked him why always had to tell people what we do and he said, "Because they might have missed me!" That is definitely his outlook on life!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"Miss Mary Mack...Mack...Mack"

Tonight Henry got sent to his bedroom early for being naughty at dinner. Josh Oliver went to bed early because he was just being....well, bratty. That just left Lucas and I to hang out and watch my shows.

During commercial breaks we played.

I tried to teach him how to do the hand-slap-rhyming game (you know that all little girls play at recess). He wasn't very good!

He showed me how he plays thumb war. He totally cheats!

No Dog Treats Today

Today Uncle Dave came to town to drop Bailey off at Grandpa J's and Gigi's. They are dog sitting while Amy and Dave go out of town.

Dave came over to see the boys for a bit, Lucas unfortunately was at school. We decided to walk to Braum's for some ice cream. As we were about to leave, Maggie and Cooper escaped out the garage door.

Our dogs are pretty good dogs, but they do not like to come back when they've gotten a taste of freedom. I ran in and got a leash--that's right one leash for my two dogs.

Maggie made it around the side of the yard and into the yard behind us before our neighbor lured her into being leash. I really figured Cooper would hang around once Maggie was caught, but he just kept trotting away.

Henry stayed back with the neighbor, so I took off in my flip flops with Maggie's leash in one hand and Josh on my hip. I'm sure we were quite a sight but I was at least dressed cute!

Copper wasn't really running from me, just going fast enough for me to not be able to catch him. He did keep looking back to make sure I was still there, which I appreciated! He made it quite a ways before he got trapped by a fence and I caught him.

We were about a block away from home on the street behind ours and I had no idea how I was going to get Cooper (with no leash), Maggie, and Josh back home without losing one of them. Then out of nowhere Dave appeared with Henry in his truck! I was so grateful!

After we got the dogs safely in the house we took off on our walk to Braum's. We all definitely earned our sweet treat--especially me! The dogs, on the other hand, got no treats today!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


The boys took a pretty late nap today, which meant I was bound to have a late night with them. I love my quiet time at night, so I had to figure out something to wear them out really good.

I have found that wrestling is one of the best things for wasting energy. It's not very often that I like to risk getting them so wound up, but sometimes it's worth it--plus it's fun!

I got Henry really good. Lucas got me really good. Josh just kept falling off the bed and doing surprise attacks on all of us--jumping of course!

It was fun and exhausting--which is what I was going for--and they were asleep well before 9:00!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Pre-Teen Dating

I took the boys down to the park this morning and I think we were part of an 11 year old date.

We were the only ones there for awhile. Then two boys rode up on their bikes--one was apparently there for support--and then a couple of minutes later the girl appeared. The two sat on the swings only saying little bits here and there. Josh swung beside them for awhile. He wouldn't stop saying "hi" to them.

After about 15 or 20 minutes the boy got off the swing for a second. Henry moved in figuratively and literally! The two boys were in a far friendly mood than she was, so Henry didn't have a chance. I'm not really sure if her actual date had much of a chance either! (By the end she was swinging way higher than him--not a good sign.)

It was all very innocent and awkward!

I wonder how long it will be before my boys tell me they are going down to the park and "just happen" to meet a girl down there.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I am exhausted.

I feel like I've done nothing but run errands and clean today.

Ben got called in for an all-day rendezvous with court, plus he gets to go back tomorrow. He got home just in time to go in for the actual, non-overtime part of his job. It's a seventeen hour day for him. I feel bad.

That unfortunately meant I had tons of kid shuttling and cleaning to do on my own. Josh Oliver peed on my bed last night. Henry can't seem to hit the toilet when he goes to the bathroom. There was a ton of clothes to put away, but at least they were washed--thanks Gigi. It was all very fun for me! I also decided it was a good time to reorganize the bathrooms and clean out the garage. Why? I don't know, but I regretted it.

Tonight the boys and I went to Target to get some eggs and tortillas for dinner. I decided I was just to tired to cook so instead we made a pit stop at Food Avenue--I don't think Target calls it that anymore. Henry had a pretzel, Lucas and Josh split nachos and a pizza, I had breadsticks and we all had Icees. It was a very healthy meal!

I did manage to muster up the energy to go to the water aerobics class tonight--it was either that or put the kids to bed really early.

It's just been one of those days where I have to keep moving or risk being a big grumpy lump in front of the TV.

It may have been exhausting, but at least the house is sort of clean, the garage is on it's way to being organized and Lucas got a ton of pictures of his boots. (What else are you going to do when you are in the car all morning?)

Tomorrow will be better. It's the first day of Riverfest, after all!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Where's the Love?

The other day I bought myself a bikini. I've been working really hard to break free from tankinis and I think I'm almost in good bikini shape.

I was trying it on and I asked Henry what he thought.

H (a bit disgusted)--"Um, I don't really like it."


H--"I don't really like the flowers and.......I don't really want to see your belly button."

Whatever. At least was semi-constructive.

So the next day I tried it on again to show Ben. While I was waiting on Ben to come look, Henry came around the corner. I thought I'd give it one more shot.

M--"Henry, what do you think of my new bathing suit?"

H (really disgusted this time)--"Not good."


H--"I just don't want to see your belly!"

I only hope he can bare the horrible moment when he has to actually acknowledge that he knows me at the pool this summer!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Oh Happy Day!

We were May Day'd! (Is that a word?)

When we got home from delivering our flowers Lucas anxiously ran to the porch to see if we had flowers waiting. I warned him that there probably weren't any, but he was still sad. So, off he went to school and the rest of the boys went to bed.

A little while later the doorbell rang!

We had a present!

I quickly woke up Henry and Josh so they could open the door. Henry was beside himself in excitement and Josh was just happy to be up early! It was all very exciting! If only Lucas would have been home!

A watermelon and a flower!

How lucky are we!

Friday, May 1, 2009

It's May Day!!!

We love May at our house! It's like a nonstop celebration!

We celebrated the first day of this fabulous month by leaving flowers and treats on people's doorsteps and then running off--in true May Day fashion! We, however, were not very fashionable in the clothing sense (Henry)!

It was a horrible rainy morning but we hopped puddles, or stomped in them, and messed up our hair and just had fun! The boys thought it was the greatest thing!

We should have bought more flowers, though! The boys list was much longer than the number of flower bouquets!