Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Two Wheels

Today we decided to enjoy the nice weather and try out the boys on a two wheel bike. Ben had to work so it was just me and the three boys.

It didn't go over very well at first. Henry was appalled at the idea of taking off his training wheels. Luke seemed a little bit excited, but kept saying that he was just going to let Henry try today because he needed to work on his soccer skills!

Henry's turn was first. He seemed to do pretty good. I didn't really get close to letting go. He was a lot like he was on skates--not really focusing and wobbling from side to side. I think that's just the silliness in him! He didn't really care about doing it or not.

Lucas, who I thought would be really afraid of the falling part, did awesome! On our first run, he was so steady that I decided to let go and he went about a yard or so by himself! He was really excited about it! Each time I let go, he would go farther and farther. The last time he went about 4 or 5 yards. He never did fall, though. He wasn't very good at steering so when he got close to the edge of the bike path he would stop himself. We were both so amazed!

After a bit, we headed back to the car and I let the boys run to the top of the giant hill nearby. That was super exciting for them. Then we went to Wendy's and ate IN THE RESTAURANT! That's always a treat for them!

It was such a fun day! I can't wait for Ben to go with us and see all of their cool new tricks--plus we need a better photographer for when Luke is on the bike!