Thursday, April 9, 2009

Josh and his Stool

Josh Oliver has a best friend.

It is a stool that is in the kitchen.

For a long time now, he has blindly felt along the counter until he would run into a tasty bit of goodness that had been left too close to the edge. He couldn't actually see what he was grabbing at so he would have to take a few steps back to see what was up there and then feel around to see if he could get it. It's really funny to watch!

About a month or so ago, a stool from the bathroom got brought into the kitchen. Josh has been in love ever since! He not only can see what he is grabbing at, but now he can actually grab at things farther in. He just helps himself to just about anything that is up there--cookies, cinnamon rolls, candy, toys, anything.

He doesn't even really try very hard anymore for us to hand him things. He just pushes his stool along the floor and climbs up. Sometimes he's a little bit sassy about it, like just get out of my way and I'll get my own!

For a couple of days he was using a turned over rubbermaid tub. He stood up higher on it, which meant almost nothing was safe from him. I sent that back downstairs pretty quick! Most of what he gets into is harmless, but I don't want another sticky fingered boy running around the house--I already have Henry.

The good thing about that stool is that we always know when he's sneaking stuff because the rubber on the bottom is loud as it slides! It at least gives us warning that we should maybe go see what he's found!

I must say, he is pretty cute with that stool! The ornery ones always are!