Today was hair-cutting day for the Jonker boys.
They all hate getting their haircut. I can't handle the rag-a-muffin look--and I have the benefit of bribes of soda--so hair cuts all around!
Josh walked away with a mohawk.
A wave of panic set in when I saw it.
Sometimes Ben uses bribes of his own--like a fun style--to make the hair cuts happen, but I'd take a shaggy looking kid LONG before I'd take a mohawk'd one.
Luckily for me, after the two of them had a good laugh--and got a few strong man poses out of the way--he went back to get the rest of it buzzed!
Down the road, when all my boys are adults with long hair, I'll know it's my own fault, but for now short hair it is!
--This is apparently Josh's current favorite pose. Unfortunately, he shows off more bones than muscle! I swear he eats!