Linda and I took the kids on a road trip a few days ago.
Our first stop was Rock City.
Oh my heavens was it neat!
It's just a little strip of land, but it's FILLED with huge boulder concretions--actually there's a whole range of sizes, but the big ones were the most fun!
In addition to putting their rock climbing skills to the test, it ended up being an excellent place for hide and go seek!
It was either raining or sprinkling the entire time that we were there, but it didn't even slow down the kids.
Unfortunately, I made the sad choice of wearing flip flops, so other than the bit of climbing I did to rescue a couple of kids, I was mostly stuck on the ground. I don't know what I was thinking!
Small town parks are my favorite! They always have the fun, old school equipment--including merry-go-rounds which Amy has only recently pointed out to me are few and far between these days!
This park did have a regular merry-go-round--a mini one!--but even more exciting it had one of the stand up, swaying types that we found in Anthony! Sadly, this one wasn't nearly as fun. It didn't spin nearly as easily and was chained in the middle so it only swayed a little. It didn't stop us for playing on it!
It was raining quite a bit while we "picnic'd", but the kids didn't seem to notice. They were completely drenched by the time we finally rounded them up and headed out.
Our next stop on our day of fun, was the little town of Lindsborg--a bit of Sweden in Kansas.
We planned on it just being a little dessert pit stop on the way home, but we had a pretty fun time there.
We found a park to play at, did a bit of shopping, admired the dala horses that were sprinkled around town, and, of course, got some dessert! Much to my surprise, I also discovered that Luke LOVES ginger molasses cookies. I would have never guessed!
We originally planned on visiting Coronado Heights on another day trip, but since it's just outside of Lindsborg, and we were in no rush to get back home, we headed toward the castle on the hill.
The kids absolutely loved it! Linda was not such a fan!
It was very high up and no matter where you looked, it seemed like every edge was a sheer drop to the ground below. A bit of a nightmare for her!
Making Gran very, VERY nervous! |
We completely hit this outing out of the ballpark! Not even the rain could spoil it....I think it may have even added to our fun!
We have several more planned before the end of the summer. We are really excited about them after this one!