Friday, March 11, 2011


For Lent last year, Lucas gave up soda.

I didn't really intend to hold him to it, but I was proud of him for trying. 

He blew me away, though, with how dedicated he was to it. 

There were many times that I would offer him a soda, forgetting that he couldn't drink it, and he would always nicely remind me that he had given it up and then ask for a water. 

I don't think he slipped up one time. 

This year when Lent rolled around, I asked him what he wanted to give up and offered to give up the same thing. 

He picked chocolate. 

I knew there was no way I could give up chocolate--a spoonful of Nutella is a daily requirement for me. Lucas probably could have forged through the 6 1/2 weeks, but without Little Debbie brownies and Oreos he would be left to thrive on bread and crackers alone. I just don't think his skinny little body could survive that. 

I finally convinced him to go with soda once again. 

Maybe we can try chocolate next year. 

As far as the rest of the boys are concerned:
  • Ben is giving up soda--a definite upgrade from his usual ridiculous sacrifices.
  • Josh is giving up soda by default
  • Henry originally wanted to give up rock collecting, but ended up going with bananas. He's been flaunting his soda drinking privileges, so I'm thinking I may need to make up some banana muffins!