Sunday, March 27, 2011

Do Four Year Olds Do That?

Josh Oliver turned 4 on the 23rd, and it has opened up a whole new world for him!

Josh is a boy who lives within his own social boundaries.

He has strict ideas about what boys should do and what girls should do. Three year olds versus four year olds. He knows his limits and often refuses to cross them.

It sometimes gets in the way of his, and my, productivity.

Now that he's 4, though, he has a whole new set of things that he can do.

The one that makes me the most excited is now he will wear his 4T clothes, which he's been wearing for several months now, without arguing that 3 year olds DO NOT wear 4 year old clothes!

His birthday has also allowed me to exploit his love of limits a bit. When he starts to dig in his heels about something he doesn't want to do, I just have to excitedly comment that 4 year olds love to do that sort of stuff! Generally it works to my benefit! It may sound bad, but really it isn't!

Either way we are all excited about his new age!

Speaking of social boundaries, he doesn't have a problem crossing the boy/girl color one.

Pink is his hands down favorite. That means he had a pink themed birthday party. I never thought that would happen in our house, but he loved it!