Monday, January 24, 2011


Henry turned SIX on Thursday.

He had been counting down the days.

He lucked out and got to stretch it out over three days.

These are some randoms about his birthday celebrations:
  • One of his very favorite presents was a army tank balloon. I knew it would be!
  • He picked McDonald's as his birthday lunch out. Ben and I were sad about that.
  • Aunt Amy took him on the best birthday date ever--a Harlem Globetrotters game! It totally made up for ice skating last year, which he was not a fan of.We thought being 6 would help him be more responsible with gum. Sadly, within hours of opening the gum from Uncle Dave, an entire pack had been half chewed and spit down the side of his bed. We'll try again at 6 1/2.
  • He was assured that he had, in fact, grown in the days before his birthday. He now looks like an official 6 year old!
  • He got quite a nice amount of cash for his birthday. He keeps saying that he wants to buy stuff for other people. (He's a super nice boy like that!) I, however, am trying to help him come up with a good "big ticket" item that he likes. We better hurry and figure something out--it's burning a hole in his pocket!