Thursday, January 6, 2011

Deal Me A Hand

We began the new year out right by teaching our kids how to gamble.

No get together with Ben's family is complete without a rousing game of "31", and New Years Eve was no different.

Luke and Gillian asked to join in first, then at some point Henry slipped in there, and by the end of the night they were all around the table.

I was impressed with how well the oldest three picked it up. I mean they were really actively holding their own. They even had the trash talking down!

I credit it all to the Jonker blood in them.

The next night the boys wanted to play again and they totally schooled us--well I managed a bit better than Ben. Henry's not even very good about knowing what his cards add up to, but he certainly knows when he has a "good enough" hand.

It's going to be a shame when we start losing all our money to the kids!