Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Jonker Boys' Mass

When we got home from church today, Henry and Josh preformed a Mass of their own for us.

They pulled all of the chairs into the kitchen in place of pews, a stool for the altar, and a bowl of bread.

I was pretty impressed how well Henry knew the order of the Mass--he really is paying attention!

Plus, how could I not love boys who want to play church!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Shermanator

The Pinewood Derby was last weekend.

This year Luke made a streamlined, camo one.  It's pretty cool.

Ben and Luke decided to name it the Shermanator.  

It's apparently the named after a military tank, or something, but every time I hear that name I think of The Shermanator from American Pie.  Ben's been called that name a time or two!  It makes me laugh every time! 

The Shermanator did a good job.  It made it to 3rd overall.  Not enough to move on, but still pretty awesome!

Those boys did a good job!

Friday, January 28, 2011


The boys all needed new toothbrushes, so I bought a four pack.

I was a little concerned because two of the colors were girly, but I bought them anyway. I figured I could talk Henry into taking the purple one.

Oddly enough the one that didn't get picked was the orange one.

Josh Oliver, who is the most anti anything girl, is the one who took the pink one--and he had first pick.

I just didn't see that coming.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


The boys had a school skating party tonight.

It was awesome--mostly because I didn't constantly have a kid with a death grip on my hand trying to drag me down!

Josh Oliver, who got to go for the first time, wanted absolutely nothing to do with me. He only wanted Ben. The picture pretty much sums up the way he felt about being separated from Ben. I was alright with it, though. Even on kid-friendly Fisher Price roller skates, he would have been a lot of work.

Henry refused to have help from anyone. In fact, I kept hearing him offer to help teach other kids how to skate--and then he would generally fall, but that was beside the point! He thought he was awesome! He actually did a pretty good job. He was super quick and even managed to do a couple of rounds of limbo. He was so proud of himself!

Lucas was the only one who would actually ever grab my hand. He's gotten so much braver and steadier that he only needed my help for some momentum or when he was about to fall. He was really nice to skate with. A perfect balance!

Skating is so much better when I'm freed up!

In the end, though, I felt a bit useless so I offered to skate around with one of Luke's friends who was just learning. It was nice to actually be able to help someone, although he really was doing pretty good on his own.

Also, Henry spent the last two songs of the night couple skating with one of the girls from his class, Hailey.

That broke my heart a little.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Henry turned SIX on Thursday.

He had been counting down the days.

He lucked out and got to stretch it out over three days.

These are some randoms about his birthday celebrations:
  • One of his very favorite presents was a army tank balloon. I knew it would be!
  • He picked McDonald's as his birthday lunch out. Ben and I were sad about that.
  • Aunt Amy took him on the best birthday date ever--a Harlem Globetrotters game! It totally made up for ice skating last year, which he was not a fan of.We thought being 6 would help him be more responsible with gum. Sadly, within hours of opening the gum from Uncle Dave, an entire pack had been half chewed and spit down the side of his bed. We'll try again at 6 1/2.
  • He was assured that he had, in fact, grown in the days before his birthday. He now looks like an official 6 year old!
  • He got quite a nice amount of cash for his birthday. He keeps saying that he wants to buy stuff for other people. (He's a super nice boy like that!) I, however, am trying to help him come up with a good "big ticket" item that he likes. We better hurry and figure something out--it's burning a hole in his pocket!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Monster Jam

We took the boys to a Monster Jam.

It was a last minute decision.  It's fun to be wild a crazy like that--it's also expensive!

The boys absolutely loved it!

It was crazy loud, and not really my kind of event, but, I will admit that it was neat seeing the real versions of the monster trucks they play with.

Since that day, Henry has been hosting his own Monster Jam shows.  

He makes up tickets and everything! 

That was probably my first and last Monster Jam, but I have a feeling that the boys are dreaming of the next one they get to go to!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Sometimes I worry about Lucas.

I worry that he gets lost in the shuffle of things--that we miss out on a lot with him.

A lot of it is our schedules.

The other two boys only go to school for half days, but Luke is gone all day. On the days that I work, I am gone before he gets home from school so my only time with him is 15-20 minutes in the morning. I try to make the most of that time, but in the end it just doesn't feel like enough.

On top of that he's just not a terribly chatty kid. He also doesn't get too excited about things--good or bad. Whatever happens is fine with him. It all makes for a pretty well behaved boy, but it's hard to have a good, insightful conversation with him. If you can find the right subject, though, you're golden!

I worry that one day, I'm going to suddenly realize that I don't know him anymore.

It seems a bit over exaggerated, but if he's not really telling me stuff, and I'm not asking, then I could easily miss things--big and small.   

(Mostly, though, I'm just a worrier.)

I had a break through with it all, however, about a month and a half ago.

I took a week off of work to just hang out at home. For that week, Luke was glued to my hip. 

It didn't matter what mundane, boring thing I was doing, he was happy to just sit by me and hang out. Once I started really noticing it, I also realized that what I'm really missing is the time alone with him. Alone time when we are just there to hang out--no multi-tasking, no loud brothers, no agenda to talk about--just us.

I've been making a conscience effort to have time that's just for us. There's been a lot of card games--War is our favorite--and just hang out.

I feel better about things.

I may lose sight of him every once in awhile--I'm sure it will happen with each of them at some point--but we easily come back together.

He's a great kid--I just wish he was a bit more chatty!

Friday, January 14, 2011


Ben got promoted to Detective on Thursday.

We were all really excited about it!

He's worked really hard and I think he's so good at what he does. I realize I'm a bit partial, so it's nice to have that confirmation that other people see it, too.

I couldn't go to the ceremony because I was in Chicago for work.

I was so, so sad about it.

Lucas stood in for me and presented Ben with his new badge. That made me even more sad that I was missing it. I would have loved to see the proud look on Luke's face!

Even though the timing of it all wasn't ideal, I'm glad he got his promotion.

He's going to make an excellent detective!

(Now I just need to make sure he has a family picture for his new desk so that people will know that he does, in fact, have a wife!)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Zoo

Henry and Josh Oliver set up a zoo today.

They gathered up all their animals and put them in appropriate cages.

As they were setting up I could hear Henry trying to organize things.

He was going to stand in the ticket booth and collect the money and he needed Josh to give tours. Josh, on the other hand, only wanted to be a dog.

Henry eventually gave in and ordered him to a cage. He didn't follow the zoo rules, though, and got banned from the zoo altogether and replaced by a hamster .

Henry was left to run it all on his own.

He did a fabulous job. He told me all the animals names, ages, and made sure I gave each one a pet.

I'd definitely go back to that zoo--even if the crazy dog is there next time!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Deal Me A Hand

We began the new year out right by teaching our kids how to gamble.

No get together with Ben's family is complete without a rousing game of "31", and New Years Eve was no different.

Luke and Gillian asked to join in first, then at some point Henry slipped in there, and by the end of the night they were all around the table.

I was impressed with how well the oldest three picked it up. I mean they were really actively holding their own. They even had the trash talking down!

I credit it all to the Jonker blood in them.

The next night the boys wanted to play again and they totally schooled us--well I managed a bit better than Ben. Henry's not even very good about knowing what his cards add up to, but he certainly knows when he has a "good enough" hand.

It's going to be a shame when we start losing all our money to the kids!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Our Own Hill

We had a big snowfall a couple of days ago.  

When I shoveled the driveway I piled it up on the side. 

Today we realized that the big pile of snow, along with the slope on the side of our driveway, made a pretty awesome sledding hill!

It was a win-win!  They got to sled and I got to be productive at home!  Plus when they got cold they just came inside.

I'm going to have to remember to be intentional with where I pile my snow next time I shovel.  All my hard work might as well lead to some fun!