Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Henry kissed a girl yesterday.

He said it was her idea.

When I picked him up from the KidZone at the Y, he brought her to the door to introduce her to me. He didn't get her name right, though. He said it was Joey, but really it was Josie. (I was impressed that he was even close!)

After we left he told me about the kiss.

It was on the lips.

Henry's a bit of a germ-a-phobe. He especially doesn't like to share things like drinks with other people. If he absolutely has to share, he always sneakily wipes off the straw before he takes a sip.

I gave him the ,"you're really too young to be doing that" speech, but I thought maybe the germ route might work better.

It didn't.

The conversation ended with him saying, "well, I guess I don't care about germs anymore."

Are we going to be those parents who get called up to school because our Kindergartner can't keep his lips to himself? The only thing that gives me hope, is that it wasn't his idea--this time!