Sunday, August 29, 2010

Back to the Real World


I'm a summer mom.

I love having the boys at home all day long, being able to do fun things on a whim without worrying about a boy or two missing out because of school. I love getting to sleep in and not worry about having to worry about signing papers or checking for homework. I love that the boys get to wake up each day and throw on whatever mismatched outfit they want. I especially love that I get to spend so much time with the boys--even on the days they make me want to pull out my hair!

It's all part of the fabulousness of summer.

(It wasn't that long ago that all year long was like summer for us. I miss those days.)

With that being said, there is something so fabulous about the start of school.

The fresh boxes of crayons, the new back packs and clothes, and best of all, a return to organization!

I feel like I actually get things accomplished during the day--like cleaning and errands! No one is in their pajamas past 8:30. I'm much more productive with my to-do-list. I love being on a schedule! It's like getting back to the real world!

After about two months of being in "the real world", though, I start getting antsy for summer to come back around!

I just miss those boys so much!

(Lucas--2nd grade)