This week has been semi-eventful (but not really) for us.
We got a desperately needed new window put in our bedroom. That also means that Ben and I haven't gotten our daily naps and our bedroom has been a holy mess thanks to all the sanding.
It's almost completely done and my bedroom is spotless from floor to ceiling so I'm back to being a happy girl!
Uncle Mark gave Henry a new skateboard. He was beyond excited about it. He and Josh Oliver have been walking around the house with helmets on begging to go outside to skateboard, or "ice skate" as Joshers says.
Henry likes to try doing tricks on it like stepping on the end and making it flip up. Josh sits on it like a surf board and paddles his way along the concrete. I'm just glad they aren't trying to be crazy on it.
Season tickets to the Wichita Music Theater were half price one day this week. It took me two hours straight of calling and redialing, but I finally got through. It reminded me of the days of Amy and I trying to get through the KKRD Goodnight Line. Oh, the excitement of that!
We also forgot to pick Henry up from preschool today.
Actually we really just forgot to set our alarm to wake us up from our long awaited nap. Henry was okay with it. In fact he asked us if we could forget about him again. Apparently he liked getting to play "after hours".
I think I'm ready for us to be back to our normal schedule.