Monday, February 1, 2010
I'm teaching the boys how to sew.
I think it's a good skill for anyone to have--boy or girl.
This weekend I was working on a heart garland to spice up my mantle for Valentine's Day. Luke really wanted to make one of his own.
He bought the felt and cut out all of his own hearts, and arranged them in the order that he wanted them. Then he got to sew them. I worked the pedal of the sewing machine and he guided them all through. He did awesome!
Henry also got to make his own. He hasn't quite figured out how to cut out hearts, so he used some of mine and some of Luke's. He did pretty good with the sewing machine, but he kept getting distracted by his reflection in the mirror that's behind the sewing machine!
The projects turned out so good! They each picked out a favorite girl and gave them an early Valentine's present.
Handmade presents are our favorites to give out!
Now Luke is considering sewing a Valentine's box/bag to gather his school valentine's in. I totally think he could do it!
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