Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Another Case of Bad Mouths

We are having issues with bad mouths once again. (It seems to flare up every couple of months.)

While Lucas and I have our occasional moments--we are not the problem. It's the other three in the house.

Henry and Josh Oliver have been sassy lately. They have been calling names (generally it's normal words like "banana" combined with a snotty tone), rolling their eyes, and shaking their heads with some serious sass. Henry has been saying "whatever" quite a bit and Josh has started to wiggle his bottom at people as he says "Shake your booty". He thinks it's cute. I do not.

Ben just plain has a potty mouth. A lot of times he doesn't even notice when he drops a swear word in the middle of a normal chat. It's a problem!

I've decided that it's my current top priority to get everyone's mouths back in order.

The two little boys have been spending lots of time in the bathroom flushing their words. They each have their own technique for getting them out. Henry likes to yell the words into toilet, while Joshers gags them up. Either way it seems to be working, and there have even been times that they have gone to the bathroom without us making them!

I have also decided that for every curse word that is said--the offender owes a quarter. Ben has yet to actually pay up, nor has he really filtered his language. I also haven't actually paid up, but really I have probably 1 word for every 10-15 of Ben's. Really.

I'm not giving up on the boys. They will eventually come around, and then we will just brace ourselves for the next outbreak!