Today was Western Day at Luke's school.
Everyone got to dress up like a cowboy.
Luckily, Gigi had just finished making Luke a new cowboy jacket to wear to
Cowtown. Luke was excited to wear it to school. He looked really cool!
When he got off the bus this afternoon, though, it was partially shoved inside of his backpack and the rest was dragging on the ground.
I asked him how school went. He didn't really want to talk, but I quickly found out that some of the kids had made fun of his outfit. They told him that it looked like he was wearing a dress, so he said he didn't wear it the rest of the day.
I tried to reassure him, but I don't think it helped. It broke my heart--especially because he was so excited about it last night.
It reminded me a lot of when I was in 4
th grade.
There was a day when we got to dress up like a character from a book. I dressed up like
Pippi Longstocking. My mom put my hair into pigtails and braided in some wire so they would stick straight out. I think I may have even had some big freckles drawn on. I'm certain I was super cute!
I remember being so excited as I walked to school, but the closer I got, I realized no one else was dressed up. I quickly ran home and ripped out my braids before anyone saw me.
I've always regretted that, although maybe I would be equally scarred had I left them in. You never know with those things.
I just think of how creative my mom was about it and how she helped me put it together, and then I just ripped it out when I got a little bit insecure. I also feel bad about a science fair project she helped me on. After it was done, I thought it was such a stupid idea, and then I won 1st place. I think it was God's way of telling me to be nicer to her.
(You know, writing that makes me realize that I feel worse that I may have hurt my mom's feelings, then I did about the fear of getting teased. As a mom, though, I don't feel rejected when my kids hate one of my ideas, but I get really sad when I think of them getting their feelings hurt. Sometimes I feel like now that I'm a mom, I need to reevaluate my memories. I've got a different perspective, now.)
We did have had a talk about self confidence and how little comments that we might say may really hurt someone
else's feelings, so hopefully some good came out of his heartache.
Now I'm just hoping he won't be too embarrassed to at least wear it to
Cowtown. After today, it may take awhile to convince him that he really does look like a real cowboy!