Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Compassionate Henry

Lucas hates to get shots. I mean really hates to get them.

Henry hates for Lucas to get shots, too. It just really hurts his soul to watch one of his brothers be upset like that. I am so serious about that!

Whenever Lucas starts freaking out about an upcoming shot, Henry will start pleading with me to not make him go through with it. Last time, he even started crying and kept telling the nurse that Luke really didn't want the shots.

Today I took Lucas to the doctor for his six year checkup and to get all three of the boys their flu shots. Henry and Josh Oliver didn't seem to catch on that they also were getting a shot.

As we waited for the nurse, Lucas started losing control of himself and Henry started in on the pleading. He kept begging me to please, please not make Lucas get the shot. I didn't have the heart to tell him that he was going to have to get one too--plus I couldn't risk losing control of two, and maybe three kids, before the nurse even came in the room.

When Henry realized that his polite pleadings were getting him nowhere, he got down to business. He just stared at me, and slowly through gritted teeth he said, "HE. DOESN'T. WANT. THE G*D-DAMNED. SHOT!" Normally, language like that leads to a lot of trouble, but I couldn't stop laughing. I mean, he was desperately defending his brother, and he didn't know that he also had a shot with his name on it. Plus he just caught me totally by surprise!

When the nurse came in, it was terrible. Josh Oliver did pretty darn good. Henry put up a fight, but overall he did okay. Lucas just completely lost his mind--as in I have only seen him like that maybe once or twice in his whole life. It was a nightmare to say the least!

As we walked out of the doctor's office, and most of the way home, Henry just kept saying to me in his most bewildered tone, "I just can't believe that you would do that to children." I heard it over and over again no matter how much I defended myself--I mean come on it was one flu shot. You would think that I had chopped off one of their fingers for sneaking some food, or something equally terrible and ridiculous.

I do love Henry's compassion, but he just really didn't help me out today.

*This is apparently Henry's new favorite shirt because he wears it every other day!