I took Josh Oliver out there for a little bit so he wouldn't feel too left out. By the time we got there the boys were already fishing on the dock. Henry had already caught one--the first of many for both boys!
They excitedly gave me a tour of their campgrounds. Lucas was especially excited to show me the "pee hole" that he had dug. Strange and gross, I know! When I pointed out that it was right in the middle of the path from the tent to the dock, he said that it was okay because he had also made a drain with his finger! Good thinking!
The boys fished a little more and played in the dirt. By the time the hot dogs were cooked all three boys were absolutely disgusting with dirt. When I went to get baby wipes to at least clean their hands, Lucas informed me that it was camping and that they were suppose to be dirty. That's just not really my idea of fun!
Before too long, Josh and I headed back home to real bathrooms and comfy beds. I am so grateful that Ben looks at camping as a boys outing. I did it when I was a teenager, but I just don't think I could now!
Unfortunately, a storm popped up around 4 in the morning. Ben set the tent up with only a net roof and with all the lightening he decided it was better to pack up and come home. So everything got thrown quickly in the truck and they headed home.
The boys were sad, but they did get to spend almost the whole night there and they caught a ton of fish. I think they are hoping to get to do it again soon! Seeing as I get a night with myself and only one boy, I'm sort of hoping for that too!