Wednesday, July 29, 2009


(sept. '08)

One time when Lucas was 3, I was sitting on a stool in the bathroom while he was trying to go. We were just waiting. Not saying anything.

I did a squinty blink at him and he did it back. We did it another two or three times and then he quietly whispered to me, "Could we not do that anymore?"

After that, I would just randomly do it to him--just because! He always did it back to me.

Before long it became something that we did to each other to say "I love you" or when we were excited or just because. Sometimes I see him do it to other people. They don't ever seem to notice, but I always pick up on it. I love that!

The last few months I have noticed Joshua doing the "blinks" at me. I'm sure it started off with him mimicking me--I find myself doing it a lot even to kids who aren't my own--but now he's the one that starts it. It's great!

Henry's special "I love you's" usually come with numbers. He will say, "I love you 98!" Then I will say, "I love you 152!" It's a fun game!

I don't really know when the boys started talking with numbers, but it sort of came from out of nowhere. It was confusing, at first, because when we would tell the boys it was time to take a nap, they would say things like, "Do we only have to take 3 naps?"--or 5 or 2 or whatever. I think that it was their way of asking if they only had to sleep for an hour or two. Either way Ben and I just agreed and they seemed to be happy with that!

Before long their number game, turned into what the "I love you #" has turned into now--a competition of who says the highest number. Lucas does it some, but mostly it's Henry's thing.

I love having special things with the boys. It's even better when the special things just sort of start!