We had Lucas school conference last week.
She said that he's a really good kid--chatty, though.
Lucas is definitely my shyest boy, so it's always unexpected when I hear that he's a chatterbox at school. What will the teachers tell us about Henry? It worries me a bit!
The one thing that we really need to work with him on is how he holds his pencils. Ever since he first started holding crayons, he has always fisted them.
My Grandma started getting after me about it right away. She said that it's a really hard thing to correct down the road. I swear I am always reminding him to pinch when he is writing! He does right his letters pretty good, but I honestly don't know how he manages it. He really does hold it terribly!
Mrs. Case did tell me that there is one other kid who holds his pencils worse--I can't even imagine what that must look like! He does good when I correct him, but I remember trying to learn to hold my pencils correctly when I was in 1st grade. It was horrible! I still don't do it properly, but I also have terrible penmanship--it's often mistaken for a boys!
I want him to write nice, so we will keep on working on it!