Lucas doesn't really tell me too much about what he does when he is actually at school, but I hear a lot of stories from the bus. It's apparently quite a learning experience!
There are two boys that Lucas always talks about--Ethan and Jack. I'm guessing that they have older brothers and sisters because they have taught Lucas a lot of random things. Most of it is just typical elementary type things like obnoxious sayings, how to make different things with paper, what sort of stuff is cool--like Sketchers (really, name brands at 5?) There have been two times, though, that he has come home really worked up about a story that they told him.
The first time it was about aliens. One of the boys said he had been touched by an alien and so now he was turning into an alien--you could tell because he was starting to turn gray where had been touched. Obviously! When Lucas was telling me all about it, I played along with him. I figured he knew it was just made up, but pretty soon I realized that he was completely convinced his friends were aliens and that he was going to be next because he had touched them. He started getting really worried! I tried so hard to undo all of the storytelling, but he was convinced. It took a couple of days for him to forget about that one.
About a month and a half ago, he came home with a story about an owl who was going to come at midnight on that Friday night and if we weren’t hiding in the closet it was going to kill us. A couple of the boys, including Lucas, were going meet up before midnight with their knives and kill the owl. It was a very elaborate plan they had cooked up. He was really over the top about that one and quickly got Henry involved. I tried to nix that one pretty quick since it just sounded so horrible, plus I didn’t want them being afraid to go to bed. I told him that it wasn’t true and he just kept saying, “It is true! Jack read it in the paper!” I could not get through to him! I guess I should be happy that he was willing to protect us from it instead of wanting to hide in his closet! That one went away after the owl didn’t come!
I just had no idea so much happened on the school bus. I am glad that Lucas loves riding the bus, but I think that he is maybe a bit too gullible for it. That boy believes everything, except for what I tell him, apparently!