Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Off to See the Wizard......!

We met up with Amy and the kids last week in Wamego to visit the Oz Museum--and trade off Henry!

It's been on our list of places to meet up for awhile, but, to be honest, I didn't have high hopes for it.  It seemed a bit cheesy.

We're always up for a good road trip, so off we went, and....it was really neat!

It was all set up really beautifully and there was SO MUCH information and artifacts.  Unfortunately we had six kids who were not interested in staying close by while we read all the little blips of information.  We made them stick it out for quite a while, but in the end I think we only got to read about 1/3 of it.

The kids did have a good time roaming around the museum, though.  The big highlights were the haunted forest hallway and the, oddly enough, French subtitled movie that was playing in the theater!

I'm glad Amy talked us in to trying it out.  It was a real treat!