Saturday, November 2, 2013

Pumpkins and Spook Houses

Generally, pumpkin carving gets left until the very last minute at our house.

I hate to carve them too early, but then every year during the week of Halloween we get so ridiculously busy that we have no way to fit it in.  It always manages to get done, but it's usually a rushed job on the 30th.

This year I wised up and we did it a week ahead of time.  They were pretty rotten by Halloween, but no one cared.

Luke's super grossed out by the thought of cleaning out pumpkins and the other two boys were off of school for the day, so the three of us did all the scraping a de-gooping.  We're a pretty efficient trio!

When it came to carving, I told them that I would help them if they wanted me to, but otherwise they were on there own.  

I had no idea how many cool points that would earn me! 

Apparently Ben, who is usually the one to volunteer/be forced into supervising the pumpkin carving each year, never gives them free rein with the pumpkin knives.  I prefer the "less work for me" road, so knives for everyone it was!

After we finished carving pumpkins, and Ben got home from work, we headed out to a spook house, well forest actually--outdoor ones are always more fun!

We've never taken the boys to a real spook house, but they've been a bit timid in the little ones that they have been through.  They all wanted to go, though, so off we went.

This was a bit like Worlds of Fun for me.  I am so jumpy at stuff like that, but I put on my brave face and told myself that it's all for fun.  

It was a ton of fun, but I screamed my head off. 

At one point they came at us from the front and the back at the same time with chainsaws. Sadly, I learned that in that kind of nightmare I will, in fact, sacrifice my children in an attempt to get away.

Ben carried Ollie most of the way and he apparently just kept laughing--a scared/awkward laugh, not a funny one.  

Henry was ready to throw in the towel about 1/3 of the way through.  He managed his way through, although, he really had no choice.

Luke was the perfect amount of scared.  I tried to keep him close by me, because I figured if I was going to shove anyone ahead of me, he would be the least traumatized at the end of it all.

It was really a good time.  The boys are still making fun of me for all my screaming.  They have all apparently forgotten that they were also terrified.

They better watch out next year.  No one ended up with nightmares so I can up the anti!