For the last three or four days, Henry has been talking about making his own flavored water.
It didn't quite register to me what he was talking about until a few nights ago when I came home to this in the refrigerator.
That, it turns out, is peach water!
The next day he offered me a glass and a run down of his recipe.
It involved a pitcher of plain water, 1 cup of cocnut water, and a cut up peach.
Aside from the visual grossness of the pitcher, and it's lack of ice cubes, it actually didn't taste half bad. He said that he thought he should have gone with 1/2 cup of coconut water instead of the full cup.
He's got to figure out a way to strain it, though. I don't care how good it tastes, I had a hard time getting my serving drank!
* * * * *
Gillian's turned 12 years old on the 11th.
She was born on THE 9/11.
I had to go into work for a bit before meeting up with everyone for pizza to celebrate, so I asked the boys to make a card for her.
This is Josh's:
Sorry that happened when you were born, Gillian.
Love, Josh
Ben said that he originally wanted to make her the Twin Towers. It's unclear whether that meant drawn on paper or made out of paper! Ben talked him out of it so he went with a simple cross.
I appreciate his sympathy, but next time I will suggest a more upbeat approach!
(Henry drew her a very tall and lean birthday cake with a candle on the top. Ironically it looked VERY similar to one of the towers.)
Also, I was thinking back to when I found out about it--like everyone else. I stopped in at Target to get a roll of film--since clearly I was going to become an aunt that day!--and saw it on the T.V.
I suddenly realized that it's only been 12 years since that happened, and yet, my kids would have no idea what I was talking about if I told them I was getting film for my camera.
It was a strange realization.