Saturday, August 31, 2013

First Day of School--take two

We had a much better start on the 2nd day of school!

Teeth were brushed.  Bellies were full.  We got a picture!!

I think we were all ready for school to start.

The boys missed their friends; I was desperate to get my life back on a schedule.

Give us another month or so, though, and we'll all be desperately waiting for our next long break from school.  It's so much nicer with everyone at home!

*     *     *     *     *

Luke and I have been riding our bikes to his school in the mornings--so far it's too hot to ride it home.

It's the best!

It's about 2 1/2 miles away--not too far, but a ways.  

I get a lot more conversation out of him when he has nothing else to do!  Actually, I still get a fair share of one word answers if I ask about school or other "boring" topics, but it's still good quality one-on-one time!

Sometimes we even make a pit stop at Gran's house for a quick chat with her!  A bonus!

Unfortunately, as happy as he is for me to let him ride his bike to school, he's less than excited to be seen with me at his school.

He won't let me go past the crosswalk with him, and a time or two I've stayed on the side street while he went on.

I don't blame him.  It's just the age that he's at.

Plus, I volunteer at his school and drive on all of his field trips, so he can't completely shun me!

One day I'll be cool again!  

One day!