Saturday, February 23, 2013

Snowed In!!

We've gotten a ton of snow over the last few day--14+ inches, actually!!!

We should have a snow like this every year!

It's been fabulous!

We spent Thursday being completely snowed in!  I was the most lovely, lazy day.  We'd play in the snow a bit and shovel the drive, then we'd come in to re-energize a bit and marvel at how quickly the drive filled back up with snow.  It was incredible how quick it was coming down!  Before too long we would head back out to do it all again!

I must say, having kids old enough to manage snow gear on their own makes everything INFINITELY BETTER! 

Friday and today have been spent making the most of all the snow we have!  It's a never ending amount!!

We made a mini sledding hill on the side of our drive, a massive snow condo,--each boy has his own little cubbie--a snow fort for Ben and I, a big snowman, and there is still a massive amount of snow left!

We are absolutely making the most it!

Ben missed out on all the fun Thursday and Friday--he abandoned us for a week to go ice fishing in Wisconsin--but he made it back for the fun today!

It's been great!  I really hate for it to melt away!