I loved it long, long, long before I had babies.
Had it been up to me, it would have been Luke's middle name.
In all fairness, I never brought it up to Ben. I had to work hard enough to bump Lucas from a middle name to a first name; there was no way I'd win him over on two names!
I secretly still consider him my Abner, though!
After school yesterday, the boys and I tagged along with Luke while he took a quick test in his school library.
I saw this book sitting on top of one of the shelves:
I about fell over dead!
I never come across the name Abner.
On top of that, it has not one, but two of my favorite names!
I almost read it to the boys, but I decided I am going to wait until I track down my own copy.
Then I can savor it's loveliness!
* * * * *
We were in there for a grand total of 10 minutes.
It was long enough for Ollie to fall asleep.
Kindergarten wears him out!