Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Joining the Club

Henry has joined the broken arm club.

He got his cast put on today, but it's been a bit of a drawn out process getting to this point.

He fell off his bike two weeks ago when we were on a walk.

I was convinced immediately that it was broken.  I'm kind of an expert at this point!

The initial x-ray looked like there could be a break, but maybe not.  They gave him a splint, told him to take it easy, and to come back in a week for another x-ray.

The next day I took him swimming--the doctor said it was okay, I swear!  Within five minutes he was doing this:

By two or three days out, he would shake his hand around as proof that it wasn't broken.

By the end of the week, we were all convinced it was fine. 

After the second x-ray, his pediatrician said it was, in fact, broken.  He didn't think he would need to have a cast, though.  He sent us to an Orthopedist just to be safe.

It turns out that he did need a cast--a full cast because he's too wild and crazy for a short one!  Actually, it was on the verge of being a really bad break involving pins and surgery.  I would have never guessed!

As I was scheduling his appointment to get the cast off, he kept telling Josh Oliver to hit his cast to see if he could feel it.....let's hope it's actually healed in three weeks!