Henry's broken arm is the most drawn out ordeal.
It's making me want to pull out my hair.
After having his green cast for a mere two days, it had to be cut off.
He soaked it when he dove off the diving board--that's a perfectly acceptable thing to do when you have a broken arm, you know.
He had a cast cover on, a really good and tight one. I let him go swimming with the understanding that he was to stay in the shallow end and to try not to put it under the water more than he had, too.
Gigi took her eyes off of him for just a few minutes and he was off. She immediately dragged him back to the shallow end, but it was too late.
I should have known that he didn't have the will power to avoid the temptations of the diving board. I'll take partial responsibility with that one.
After a trip to the ER to get it cut off, he spent the rest of the weekend with a temporary splint/cast until we could get him into the doctor on Monday.
Sunday, he walked down to the lake at my Grandpa's house with some of the other boys. When he came back up to the house he was a muddy, wet mess--cast and all.
He was apparently on the hunt for frogs and ended up a little too close to the water.
That one was completely his fault.
I thought I might be able to salvage that cast, but when I got everything off, the cotton padding that was on his skin was soaked. I had to cut it off, and put him back in his original velcro splint.
Then, we had to make the embarrassing trip back to the Orthopedist's office, where he had to say that he soaked not one, but two casts.
He is now forbidden from being anywhere near water--only a few inches in the bathtub--and he's pretty much grounded from going outside without an adult.
I will not go back until it's time to get it cut off for good!