Monday, April 9, 2012

I Was Duped!

This morning, Luke woke me up two minutes before his bus comes.

I was under the impression that he had also just woken up.
I was left with two options:  
  1. Let him finish getting ready, get his lunch made, and take him to school myself, or
  2. Send him off to school with the bus and met him up at school with his lunch (he refuses to eat school lunch.  To be honest, I can't blame him.)
I opted to keep my morning semi-normal and send him on the bus.  Since I felt partially responsible for not getting up early enough, I even offered to actually take him out for lunch today.

By the time, we made it up to his school for lunch I was starting to get suspicious that maybe he didn't get up as late as I thought he did.  With the exception of not having a lunch, he was awfully put together for having just woken up.

When I asked him what time he woke up he said, "Oh, me?  Dad woke me up at like 7."

45 minutes before he woke me up!

I guess I should have asked that question this morning.

I told him that next time he wakes me up last minute he better have his own lunch made or he's going to be stuck with a disgusting school lunch!

*     *    *     *     *
The boys picked Pizza Hut Buffet for lunch.  

I basically paid $3 for Henry to eat 2 plates of applesauce, another plate of salad and more applesauce, and only 2 bites worth of pizza.

I should have just fed him at home!