Thursday, April 19, 2012

Along for the Ride

Ben and I went on a bit of a date tonight.

He played golf and I tagged along in the cart.

It was a fabulous way to spend an evening with my lovely!

Ben wants me to learn how to play golf.  I never even been on a golf course, let alone swung a golf club, but I gave it a shot at one of the holes tonight.  I was embarrassingly bad.

Ben was very encouraging, though, and tried his best to get me excited about this whole golf thing.  I'm just not quite there yet.

I will happily hang out in the golf cart and cheer him on any time he asks, though!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Dreaded Appointment

Henry and Josh Oliver both had doctor's appointments today.

None of us really look forward to them--it's the shots the ruin the whole visit.

We should have been alright today, though. 

Ollie needed to finish up his Kindergarten shots. He does pretty good with them, though.  He usually plays up how scared he is to get a bit of sympathy, but when it comes down to it he doesn't fight getting them.

The other two are a different story.  

Luke is flat out terrified of them.  It's borderline irrational.  

Henry gets really afraid too, but I always feel like it's mostly just Luke's fears transferring over to him.

Last year when Henry had to get his flu shot, he got himself so worked up that the nurse, who was only slightly bigger than Henry, ended up just pinning him to the floor and giving it to him before he could fight her off.  It was dramatic!  As soon as he got it, though, he stood up and said, "That actually wasn't that bad!"

I don't know why he never remembers what the actual shot was like.  

Either way, this flu season I opted for the nasal spray to avoid the drama!

Today we discovered that Henry did, indeed, need a shot.  

He started off very quiet, then his eyes welled up, and the tears came.  By the time the nurse came back in, 10 minutes later, he was really worked up. 

Josh went first.  He had to get three.  Other than a few tears he was alright. 

Next it was Henry's turn.  He tried to be brave, but he had just gotten himself so worked up that it was no use.  I held him down and the nurse gave him the shot, and true to form, as soon as it was done he announced that it really wasn't that bad. 

Luckily, all their shots should be covered until they are 11.  

Hopefully by then I can convince Henry that he doesn't really mind the actual shots!

Monday, April 9, 2012

I Was Duped!

This morning, Luke woke me up two minutes before his bus comes.

I was under the impression that he had also just woken up.
I was left with two options:  
  1. Let him finish getting ready, get his lunch made, and take him to school myself, or
  2. Send him off to school with the bus and met him up at school with his lunch (he refuses to eat school lunch.  To be honest, I can't blame him.)
I opted to keep my morning semi-normal and send him on the bus.  Since I felt partially responsible for not getting up early enough, I even offered to actually take him out for lunch today.

By the time, we made it up to his school for lunch I was starting to get suspicious that maybe he didn't get up as late as I thought he did.  With the exception of not having a lunch, he was awfully put together for having just woken up.

When I asked him what time he woke up he said, "Oh, me?  Dad woke me up at like 7."

45 minutes before he woke me up!

I guess I should have asked that question this morning.

I told him that next time he wakes me up last minute he better have his own lunch made or he's going to be stuck with a disgusting school lunch!

*     *    *     *     *
The boys picked Pizza Hut Buffet for lunch.  

I basically paid $3 for Henry to eat 2 plates of applesauce, another plate of salad and more applesauce, and only 2 bites worth of pizza.

I should have just fed him at home!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Last week, Ben was in charge of leading Henry's Cub Scout group.

He did what any good parent does and got someone more impressive and far more entertaining to come--Kelly, the Police K-9!

She put on a fabulous show!

Among the things she showed them was how she can search out a random quarter thrown into a field.  It was really neat watching how she systematically tracks up and down the grass until she landed on it.

She can also balance her toy tubing on her head which was equally, if not more, impressive to all the boys!

Ben can put on a pretty good police demonstration when it comes down to it, but he was smart to bring in Kelly.  

She was much better at chasing down tennis balls then he would have been!