He was pretty excited about it.
He's been waiting all his life for this opportunity!
He was really hoping that he would get to: 1. use a microphone and 2. have a question and answer session with the audience.
He clearly didn't get either mine or Ben's nervousness about public speaking!
When we got to the meeting the other two kids had their speeches completely written out.
Henry had this....
....his speech in super simplified, bullet form.
It made me suddenly get very nervous for him.
He should have at least written it in something a little easier to read than super bright neon pink!
Even though he was winging it, he did so good.
He started off with, "Hi, my name is Henry Jonker and I'm in the 1st grade" and then took off on all the things that he loves and why he loves them.
I was so proud of him!
He did end up getting to use a microphone.
He did not, however, get to have the Q & A session that he wanted.
Down the road, I guess!