Friday, October 21, 2011

Get Us Out of Here!

A couple of weeks ago, Linda and I took the kids to a corn maze.

We needed something to get them out of the house and burn off some energy.

It was a good idea in theory.

Instead we spent our morning nagging. 

I don't know how many times we said, "please don't walk so fast," "you have to stay together," or "if you can't see us, you are too far ahead." 

I'm not sure if we were more concerned about losing the kids or the kids losing us.  Either way we were not risking getting separated!

Olivia and Josh Oliver also spent the majority of the time complaining that it was too hot and they were tired of walking.

Frankly, we all were!

By the end of it all, the kids were telling us to have someone come rescue us, but neither one of us wanted to make that embarrassing phone call! 

Finally, after an hour, we made it out. 

We definitely underestimated how complicated it would be!

Once we were out, we let the kids roam around among the hay bales while Linda and I parked it at a table and chatted.  That was more along the lines of what we were hoping for!

In the end, we also discovered that they had a much more manageable kids maze that we turned them lose in.  It totally made up for the stress of the big maze!

Even with all the nagging, whining, really was a fun outing.  We at least ended it on a good note.

I'm glad we took them, although we decided that if we went again we would either have to ditch the two youngest or skip the big corn maze altogether.

The older three would probably just rather ditch us and have a go at it alone!